Install Plex media server and update to the latest version if desired.

Install the Tesla P4 Datacenter driver

I chose to install the datacenter version of the driver (537.13-data-center), as the GRID driver was causing me issues; This may also mean PCI-e pass-through is the only option for the GPU, and vGPU won't work.

Execute the following registry hack so the GPU is recognized by software (Task manager, Plex)

Original Post on github (for Tesla P40): JingShing/How-to-use-tesla-p40: A manual for helping using tesla p40 gpu (

After installing the driver, you may notice that the Tesla P4 graphics card is not detected in the Task Manager. Therefore, you need to modify the registry.

Please press WIN + R to open the Run window, then enter regedit to get into register table, and then enter HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0001 in path to modify its content.

Modify AdapterType to 1

Modify FeatureScore to d1

Add Dword:

Fill in 1 for EnableMsHybrid

Fill in 7 for GridLicensedFeatures

After modifying the registry, you can choose to restart or disable and enable P40 in the device manager to see that P40 has been successfully called in the Task Manager.

I am using the Dacacenter drivers, the GRID drivers did make it also “happen” (show the GPU in task manager), yet plex is not able to use HW encoding.

With the settings above I was able to get plex to transcode

Run Plex as a service Use a new local user “Plex” with a strong password.

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